Last month I was really pleased to be interviewed about the Alexander Technique by Will Shipp for his How to Heal podcast. Will is a coach who focuses on holistic wellbeing, lifestyle change and helping people navigate the world of health and wellness.
You can listen to his interview with me by clicking on the image below.

We covered a wide range of questions and topics during the conversation; below is just a snapshot:
- What is Alexander Technique (AT)? Why and how did you get into it?
- How has AT helped you solve problems in your own life?
- Any fun anecdotes? What has been a highlight for you so far in AT?
- What are the parts of yourself that AT helps you to access?
- What’s the biggest personal change you’ve experienced since doing AT?
- Is there an AT ‘type’ of person?
- What are three things that someone new to AT needs to know?
- Who’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to the AT?
- As a coach I’m all about powerful conversations. In life, what’s the most impactful conversation you’ve had? What did you or the person say or do to make it powerful?
Will is recording interviews with some other great professionals involved working in the holistic health sector. Do check out his website for further information.