Virginia Woolf and the Alexander Technique

A newly discovered letter has confirmed that Virginia Woolf had lessons with FM Alexander. The letter – written by Walter Carrington, one of the most influential teachers to have trained with FM Alexander – provides few details. Much more is known about the lessons taken by Virginia’s husband Leonard, partly thanks to Virginia’s own writings …

Mind in Movement Lab and the Alexander Technique

The Mind in Movement Lab at the University of Idaho has just released a short video detailing some of its work. The lab’s principle investigator, Professor Rajal Cohen, has in recent years led some of the most groundbreaking and fascinating research into the Alexander Technique. This most recent video references the lab’s research into the …

Sitting is seriously bad for you – what to do?

The Alexander Technique is all about improving how you function in daily life by ‘using’ yourself better in activity. And the movement from sitting to standing is commonly used by Alexander Technique teachers to help guide their clients towards better use. There is a lot to take in to find ease and balance in this …

Hypermobility and the Alexander Technique

Among healthcare professionals, the Alexander Technique is recognised as helping people with hypermobility. More information on this is available on the hypermobility page of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique. For a very personal view, you might like to watch the following video created by Jess Albertine, which has just been released. Jess …

Acoustic effects of Alexander Technique for singers

Some preliminary research has been conducted into the effects of the Alexander Technique (AT) on singing. Acoustic analysis of a single female voice recorded improvements in vocal quality (the so-called ‘ringing’ tone), vocal clarity (the harmonic-to-noise ratio, where noise indicates qualities such as raspiness or breathiness) and intonation. Measurements of vibrato and respiratory noise were …

Alexander Technique reading list – books at your local library

Some of the best Alexander Technique (AT) books are available to borrow from public libraries in the UK. If they’re in the library catalogue but not on the shelves, you can usually order them for free and they will be obtained for you from the wider library network. Below is my list of recommended reading …

Why your map matters: body schema and postural tone

Consider for a moment a top athlete, dancer or musician, and you’ll realise that humans have the potential for incredibly accurate and coordinated movement. But what makes coordinated movement possible in the first place? Despite being entirely unfamiliar to most people, two aspects of ourselves govern our posture and provide a foundation for all movement …