Welcome! I’m Henry George, an experienced back pain specialist in Bristol. I offer an evidence-based and preventive approach to pain and posture.
If you suffer from upper or low back pain, you might be relieved to discover that there is a lasting solution which has been shown to outperform back pain treatments such as massage and normal GP care.
A large-scale research trial by the NHS concluded that the approach known as the Alexander Technique (AT) had ‘long term benefits for patients with chronic back pain’.
What is the Alexander Technique?
The Alexander Technique is an educational method for changing long-standing habits of tension. It is usually taught one-to-one.
The practitioner uses their hands to guide their client to discover improved movement, balance and overall coordination.
What are the Alexander Technique’s effects on back pain?
NHS research discovered that the Alexander Technique (AT) had long-term effects on people who were in pain every day. Quite remarkably, after 12 months,
- those who took 6 AT lessons had reduced their pain levels down to 11 in 28 days (about one day in every three);
- those who took 24 AT lessons had reduced their pain levels down to only 3 in 28 days (less than once a week).
How does the Alexander Technique reduce back pain?
There is evidence that the Alexander Technique (AT) changes the ongoing muscular activity that supports us against gravity.
This muscular activity is called ‘postural tone’, and it becomes better adapted and distributed through the body with Alexander Technique lessons.
It is likely that this changes the pressure on painful regions.
Secondly, there is evidence that AT may be able to decrease overall reactivity, and this could reduce sensitivity to pain.
Thirdly, we know that AT improves psychological factors involved in the experience of pain. These include self-efficacy, fear avoidance, optimism and confidence.
Full details of the Alexander Technique’s effects on pain are summarized here. You can also watch a two-minute AT ‘science explainer’ below:
The Alexander Technique is a method which helps people change how they move, balance and coordinate.
It is an educational approach, and the unique way it engages the client’s own thinking process is likely to be a significant factor in its effects on back pain.
Where next?
If you’re interested in exploring the Alexander Technique further, please have a look at my Services page to book in a trial session.
“Alexander Technique session with Henry George yesterday – I was amazed to see and feel the difference after 45 minutes.”
Guy Johnston, international soloist and BBC Young Musician of the Year.