Alexander Technique science – updated

I’ve updated the Alexander Technique (AT) science page on this website. Why? A landmark science paper on AT was published this autumn. The paper proposes a model for how AT works based on the latest research into AT and related disciplines. It’s no understatement to say that this is the most important publication on AT …

Wellbeing course – a success!

In the October half term I ran an online course for young people entitled Discover Musical Wellbeing. It was aimed at teenagers who play the piano, violin or cello, and consisted of three similar but separate courses which participants could attend depending on their instrument. The course addressed aspects of wellbeing most relevant to musicians. …

Ground-breaking Alexander Technique research

A hugely important scholarly article on the Alexander Technique (AT) is to be published this autumn in the prestigious journal Kinesiology Review, and I’ve had a sneak preview. It is undoubtedly the most important paper on the Alexander Technique since the randomised control trial study into Alexander Technique and back pain published in 2008. This …

Alexander Technique at Bryanston International Summer School

This week I had the privilege of working at Bryanston International Summer School, run by the London Suzuki Group. It’s an annual residential music course for string players and pianists aged 3 to 18 years old. The course is vibrant and ambitious, and has a large number of families attending from all over the world. …

Alexander Technique for Violin Players

On Sunday August 16th I have the privilege of hosting an Alexander Technique online workshop for violinists. It’s part of the Bach Challenge for Amateur Violin Players digital course run by Tamaki Higashi, violinist of the Villiers String Quartet. Do get in touch with her if you’re interested at My programme for violin players …

Hypermobility and the Alexander Technique

Myself being hypermobile, I cannot think of not doing an action right now – such as for example lifting the shopping in the supermarket or lifting a bag – without applying the Alexander Technique consciously because the dangers that can happen if I don’t do it are too many. Roxani-Eleni Garafalaki Hypermobility is the ability …